God Science And Reality

God, Science, and Reality is an enthralling journey that involves a battle of wit through which a modern-day atheist, a scientist, a mathematician, and a philosopher, with the help of the ancient oriental wisdom of a Mahars?i (sage), in a course of discussion unearth the true face of reality. The book raises some fundamental questions about the nature of God, Science, and their relationship with man and ultimate reality. Our reality has two dimensions -- sublime and mundane -- and Mahars?i touches them both.

In this book one finds Sanskrit words critically decoded to extract their lost meanings and only then the Vedic dossiers open up to a holistic scientific view and we are left to marvel at the ancient knowledge. A completely new model of reality is built which encompasses Man, Nature, Knowledge, Religion, Cosmos, Consciousness, and Existence as a whole. The author puts forward a compelling and unbiased interdisciplinary account where Nature, Knowledge, Physics, Neurobiology, Philosophy, Sociology, and Religion meet at the crossroad of time. In this ultimate marriage you are cordially invited!

Book Review

19 October, 2012

God, Science, and Reality: Audacity of Reason and Tenacity of Truth (Bookway, Rs.495) by Pinaki Ganguly attempts to crack the ultimate puzzle concerning reality, knowledge, faith and human society. What distinguishes this work is apparently its interdisciplinary approach – a mishmash of Physics, Neurobiology, Philosophy, Sociology, and so on – which promises to reveal the Master’s Plan to the lay reader. Ganguly does not leave it at that. He proceeds to identify the path that ought to be taken to accomplish the goals that life has to offer. This distinctly mystical model of investigating reality has a rather soporific effect on the mind.


Prabuddha Bharat (Awakened India) – May 2013 Issue

God, Science, and Reality by Pinaki Ganguly

This book is a religio-philosophic-scientific brew concocted through a blend of five ingredients: atheistic skepticism, scientific questioning, mathematical logic, philosophic enquiry, and faith-bound spiritual quest. The overriding flavour of the mix is, however, a faith-bound spiritual quest grounded in ancient wisdom. The majority of today’s books normally deal with their themes in a monologue style, with the authors articulating their thoughts in an uninterrupted manner and with no interlocutor to question and doubt.
God, Science, and Reality is a refreshing departure from the usual monologue style presentation of thoughts. It is cast in the dramatic setting of an intellectual debate and discussion with the main speaker interacting with other four learned interlocutors on a variety of subjects. The participants in the scholarly and wide-ranging discussion are an atheist, a scientist, a mathematician, a philosopher, and a sage possessing ancient oriental wisdom. The sage leads and almost dominates the lively discussions through his masterly expositions and convincing clarifications.
Absorbing, the book is a virtual cauldron of clashing ideas, fermenting thoughts, and bold speculations. The Prologue offers a peek into the exciting vistas of knowledge ready to unfold. The author makes it clear that by the term ‘God’ in the title he means ‘spirituality’. Is science and spirituality perpetually at loggerheads and working at cross- purposes? Or are they partners in the common adventure of unveiling the face of Reality, albeit with different methods? The author says: ‘I got introduced to Sanskrit verb-based semantics which I used as a tool to integrate Science and Spirituality. It was then that I understood that both had combined to unveil the face of reality. Ancient wisdom and modern methods have to hold each other’s hands’ (4).There are six major sections, which have sub- sections that deal with the various questions that come up during the course of the conversations.
The overall flow of reason is in the form of a nestled circle. The six major sections are: ‘The Atheist’s God’, ‘Nature-Man-Science’, ‘Mechanism of Knowledge’, ‘Architecture of Religion’, ‘The Master’s Plan’, and ‘The Light of Perfection’. Another key feature that enhances the value of the book is the author’s liberal use of diagrams to clarify essential points. For example, the six major sections of the book are presented in the form of six smaller circles that themselves make, by their close juxtaposition to each other, a bigger circle called ‘Circle of Reason’. A brief chapter entitled ‘Confluence at Ganges’ may be considered an epilogue. The five doughty debaters disperse with mental clarity and spiritual illumination, buoyed up by the sage’s suggestion to continue later on their penetrating analysis and discussions on the banks of the Ganges.
Pinaki Ganguly is a scholar of scientific as well as religious inclinations. The book is the excellent result of his rigorous and prolonged research and profound meditation on the ultimate issues of existence, that is of ‘God, Light, Freedom, and Immortality’, to borrow Sri Aurobindo’s intuitive and envisioned terms. The bibliography, glossary of Sanskrit terms, and index add to the value of the book. God, Science, and Reality is a gold mine of wisdom and a must-read for modern people seeking transcendental knowledge.
N. Hariharan
Monthly Journal of the Ramkrishna Order started by Swami Vivekananda in 1896  https://advaitaashrama.org/pb/2013/052013.pdf – page 361


Dr. B. D. Kulkarni

Distinguished Scientist, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, at National Chemical Laboratory, Pune.

Written in a lucid, flowing language, the book is captivating and difficult to keep away once you start reading. Finally when you finish reading the book, relax and close your eyes in reminiscence, you get a glimpse for a fraction of a second of that Absolute. Very satisfying.


Dr. Debnarayan Jana

Head of Department of Physics, University of Calcutta, Rajabazar Science College, Kolkata.

The book entitled "God, Science And Reality" by Pinaki Ganguly is an attempt towards the ultimate truth of a human being written in the background of modern science and rich Indian heritage of Vedanta. Specially, the section "The Master's Plan" is really the master stroke relating the various branches of sciences with terms in Vedas, Puranas and Vedantic philosophy. This book will definitely add to our spiritual thought and enhance the capability of human mind including atheist.

Dr. Abhijit Ghosh, MA, Phd.

Head of Department of Sanskrit, Jadavpur University, Kolkata.

This book appears to me to be a commendable effort – philosophizing the relationship God-Science-Reality. I think this book will be a prized possession of any library which stores books of Indology and Philosophy in general.

Professor Nilanjan Chatterjee

Department of Physics, Mrs. K. M. P. M. Intercollege, Jamshedpur.

.This book has the potential to alter one's way of thinking by forcing them to leave individual silos of half-truth and embracing the All-truth.


"God, Science, and Reality is a gold mine of wisdom and a must-read for modern people seeking transcendental knowledge." - N. Hariharan (Ramkrishna Mission)
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